An Estate Planning, Guardianship, & Probate Administration Law Firm

Planning for your family’s present & future.

Areas of Practice

Special Needs Planning


When a family knows that they are planning for the future of a child or adult with a disability, it is even more important to consider the effect of an inheritance. Without proper planning, even a small inheritance can cause a loss of benefits on which they have come to rely. In such cases, there are options that will allow for multiple family members to make gifts without disrupting needed benefits. We are knowledgeable in special needs planning and can help you develop a plan that will maintain required support for a family member with a disability.

Estate Planning


We focus on working with families to create effective estate plans that are designed to protect and preserve assets for the benefit of the intended beneficiaries. A comprehensive estate plan will reduce the stress, expense, and time that it takes when managing the death or incapacity of a family member or loved one.

It is important to us that each client’s plan is customized to their unique needs and those of their family. Together, we will work towards accomplishing an estate plan that accounts for the objectives that we discuss as it relates to specific family dynamics.

Designing and executing your documents is only half of an effective estate plan. It is just as important that one’s assets are structured to work in accordance with the prepared plan. We assist in structuring property to work within the plan instead of outside the plan.


When your child turns 18 years old, the law will consider him or her an adult. However, as a special needs child, he or she may still need to be in your care. By establishing a special needs guardianship, or guardian advocacy, you will ensure that you can continue to make important decisions on behalf of your child.

Probate Administration

Probate administration is the legal process through which a deceased person’s estate is properly distributed to heirs and designated beneficiaries, in addition to any debt that is owed and must be paid off to creditors. In this case, a personal representative, usually a trusted family member or a close friend oversees administering an estate.


Let us help you establish a clear roadmap for your family’s future.